Stop the Insanity
Well I was feeling sooo damn good the past couple days I've
begun to move around again and do stuff. But little did I know it was just my
body pulling some kind of tom-foolery on me. My throat is swelling up again and
a massive migraine city is under construction in my head. Aaaahhhhh!! I'm going
to explode! When will it end!! Other than that i'm doing fine. I installed a
160gb WD HD in my testserver today. That went about as smooth as a camels ass. I
ended up fighting the 137gb barrier until it gave in and let me have my extra
23gb of space. I wasn't settling for anything less than I paid for. The rest of
my day has been spent moving all my stored data onto my testserver. In a couple
hours I'll have the whole 160gb used up. But all my other workstations are free
to embark on memory hogging expeditions at will now, Yay!! Let's see that makes
a total of 260gb stored on my testserver right now, kinda scary. Oh well, it's
my bitch, and I like it.
What's good about breaks
is the variety of sounds that are out there, so people from different
backgrounds can find what they like and stick with it, but at the same time be
exposed to other styles that have the common denominator of beats and experience
more music.
What's good about breaks is that it can be pure dancefloor fun, or a proper trip
inside places in your mind that you never knew they even existed.
What's good about breaks is the funk...this unstoppable driving force that
stimulates people spiritualy, mentaly, sexualy and simply makes the whole world
a beautifull place.
What's good about breaks is girls...doesn't matter if they wear high heels and
dresses, or trainers and sweat pants...their ultrasexual booty shaking and
sweating on the dancefloor is like a female butterfly's erotic flying pattern
that male butterflies simply can't resist.
What's good about breaks is the pure love that a lot of the leading artists
still have for the music and the people that follow it after being in the scene
for a really long time.
What's good about breaks is the lack of attitude compared to other genres.
What's good about breaks is the religious experiences that one can have under
the slamming beats and ultrafunky rolling basslines.
What's good about breaks is that some tunes can be played on radio 1 and be used
for commercials on telly, but the same tunes will sweep underground dancefloors
like a tidal wave and have ravers stomping the earth in unison.
One time I worked front desk in a busy casino in Cripple
Creek, CO. I had a pleasant working relationship with the guy who often sat next
to me. We were fairly good partners. Seemlessly trading strengths and weaknesses,
picking up where the other left off. It wasn’t a romantic relationship, we
weren’t really friends, just decent working partners. Being from Texas we shared
a dry humor type of banter that seemed to keep “players” in front of us amused.
This was helpful in its own way when lines of anxious players stretched as far
as we could see.
One day, after having "one of those days", still with a line of people in front
of me, I started laughing and couldn’t stop. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
My partner looked at me in disbelief and horror. He told me to leave and take a
break. Any other time I would have refused out of principle and the never ending
line. This time I went, I did as he said, I laughed all the way out the casino
door. I was grateful at that time for this parnter.
Sometime later we had both gotten promotions, inspite of our dry Texas humor,
that had at times gotten me written up in a couple of other jobs.
My partner was promoted a little over me, mainly because I didn’t want the job
he took.
A blizzard came towards the end of April. It was a bad one. Blowing snow, white
outs, hard to see the road, hard to get out of the subdivision I lived in. Still,
I insisted on going to work. (Now, I do not understand why I went to work, I
should have stayed home). Later my neighbors remarked that they were concerned
about my safety, and, my sanity when they saw me swirling and doing donuts as I
determinedly made my way to Cripple Creek.
Welcome back
I have been vindicated
from the false charges levied against me. I am back on track and ready to fight
this issue until we have come to its conclusion. We can not continue to be
bullied by the religious right. It seems that whenever a religious conservative
person makes a claim that they have been offended or harmed by something
a progressive person does, officials jump to admonish and reprimand the offender,
regardless of guilt or innocence. However, no attention is paid to the continued
offences by the religious right. They pray in our schools, dictate curriculum,
and bend school and government officials to their will. We can no longer afford
to allow this
We will meet at the Ranch on Wednesday February 16th. We will discuss the
continuation of our current projects as well as a project a gentleman from the
BBC in the UK would like our help with. He is creating a televison show about
abstinence pledges and their success or failure. I would encourage everyone who
would like to have some input in this project to be present next Tuesday. We
will also discuss the next concert Mobilized Youth will present.